Sunday, November 20, 2005


I woke up this morning to a foggy and frosty Oxford. It seems like the ideal precursor to snow, but I fear I will be disappointed. It doesn't often snow in England and probably not until after the new year.

Yesterday was a long fun day. Our whole team was up at 5:30 am to catch a 6am coach to Cambridge. We rowed in the Cambridge Winter Head of the River Regatta. It was our first regatta and also the longest sustained sprint we have ever attempted. We fared well. It was a time trial, meaning we weren't actually racing another boat. It took us 11:01 and it was a 2.5 kilometer stretch of the River Cam. All of my limbs were burning when we crossed the finish line. I was told that I earned the "pain locker" or "locker" award for the day because as I rowed past our other teammates on the shore, somwhere near the finish line, I had a look of utter pain on my face.

After the race, we promptly packed up our belongings and headed to the pub. Why not? We went to The Eagle, the oldest pub in Cambridge where Watson and Crick announced they had discovered the secret of life, DNA. We stayed for about 4 hours, since we had time to kill and it was warm. The weather in England has been hovering around freezing all week.

Last night we all went out for bangers and mash at a place called "The Big Bang." I had never actually had bangers and mash, but it was really good. It reminded me of Christmas dinner at my house, cabbage/sauerkraut and sausages. It was a nice close to a really great day.

Photos to follow...